Ułatwienia dostępu

Instytut Nauk Społeczno-Ekonomicznych [Institute of Social and Economic Research] is a research institution, conducting wide ranging social, economic and market research in Poland and abroad since 2009. We have prepared more than 180 research reports on marketng and socio-economic issues, some of them in foreign languages. We can conduct our research in Polish and English language and provide any necessary translation services for our costumers. 

Experience of the Institute guarantee professional and reliable implementation of projects and consulting services. More than 200 organisations of various types have benefitted from the Institute's offer, which is certified by the received testimonials. We work with public sector institutions, NGOs and commercial entities, both from Poland and other countries (e.g. Ireland, Belgium and Austria).  We manage over 50 websites, which we have created for various projects and we have acquired financial resources to implement over 100 projects worth more than 25 million EUR.

Institute of Social and Economic Research has nearly 30full-time professionals of social sciences and economics. Their experience and competence guarantee professional and fair implementation of projects and services. 

Technical facilities to carry out scientific research and advisory activities of Institute of Social and Economic Research are the rooms with a total floor area of around 700 m2 including a special focus room.


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